Depression-The Dance of wickedness

The hopless nothingness breeding unbearable heaviness on mind,

All that is horrible of darkness of night enter body and then soul,

The horrid smell of infidelity coming from the beloved ones,

Eyes melt down on seeing this dance of wickedness.

The hollow and treacherous world spreading a blanket of despair,

Tender heart wavering on the meloncholic adieu to joy,

Abduction of peace ond separation from inspiration,

Look, look closely at the symphony of wickedness’ dance.

Horrible divorce from not-so- beautiful world and not-so-faithful friends,

Disintegration of nerves and corruption of all the human senses

The parasitic ache sustaining at the reiteratively stabbed back,

Even momentary happiness flees away on Witnessing the tandav* of darkness.

Go away, you monstrous destructive dark evil,

Let the beautiful colourful lens on eyes return!

And this pall of sourness fade and evaporate,

And let merry joy dance on some beautiful song.

*Tandav- a dance form done by Lord Shiva when he is furious.

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